Angie Winschel Angie Winschel

I don’t want to talk about your brand pillars

In this age of chronic information overload, access to mounds and mounds of content, and messages coming at us a million miles an hour, 24 hours a day, what matters is what makes you DIFFERENT.

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Angie Winschel Angie Winschel

Embrace Change

A few tips to inspire your team to jump into a new change with confidence.

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Angie Winschel Angie Winschel

More engagement, fewer words

Using too much copy on websites and marketing materials can lead to one obvious fault: exhausting your potential new clients or donors before they can reach the call to action.

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Angie Winschel Angie Winschel

Converting Giving Day Donors

While high-level donors are important, the average supporter is quite literally the backbone of every organization.

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