More engagement, fewer words
With well over a quarter million words in the English language–and many more being developed each day thanks to the internet (did you know that a “shouse” is a shed that is also a house?)–running out of them is just not possible. But using too much copy on websites and marketing materials can lead to one obvious fault: exhausting your potential new clients or donors before they can reach the call to action.
The next time you are looking to create engaging, attention-grabbing content, take a look at these tips on how to write less, say more, and generate more engagement.
Show, don’t tell.
Using images, video, icons, and illustrations to compliment your most important information can help you get to the point faster, and engage more readers.
A good rule of thumb? Pretend you only have 5 minutes to influence a potential client to do business with you: what is the most important, emotion evoking information you give them, inspiring them to have no choice but to take action?
Utilize stats and infographics.
Your results matter, which is why they shouldn’t be buried in the middle of a paragraph of copy in a format that doesn’t do your accomplishments justice. Use infographics to make your most relevant information and data visual, allowing the reader to walk away with something that resonates.
Edit, again and again.
Sometimes, we don’t see where we are repeating ourselves until a few edits later.
Sometimes, we don’t see repetition until a few edits later.
Sometimes, it takes a few edits to identify repetition.
It may take a few tries, but reading your content out loud–and utilizing a content editor–can take the guess work out of shortening challenging chunks pf copy. It’s amazing how many words are simply just “extra fluff,” not really adding anything to the ultimate message you are trying to get across.
Generate an action.
Keep your content–written and visual–focused on moving the reader through various pages or sections seamlessly. Photos and copy points should flow from one point the next, followed with a specific–and obvious–call to action.
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