Converting Giving Day Donors

When it comes to philanthropy, there’s no question that the holiday season makes people a whole lot more generous. While the need for most nonprofits is year-round, the holiday season—and most notably, Giving Tuesday (on Nov. 28!)—is a great way to get your mission in front of potential new donors and inspire them to become supporters all year long.

We’ve pulled together a few tips on ways you can convert those one-time donors to full-time supporters of your mission.

Don’t assume people know who you are.

While you should always be considering your mission-based marketing communication throughout the year, the holiday season is a good time to share what you do with a new audience while reiterating your place in the nonprofit landscape. Invest in a social media campaign (#GivingTuesday!) to raise awareness, share stories of the impact your organization has, and try some old-fashioned direct mail to educate prospective donors.

There’s no gift too small.

Let’s be honest, when it comes to giving, everything helps, but some people have the impression that to be a regular donor you need to have a certain level of wealth. While those high-level donors are important, the average supporter is quite literally the backbone of every organization. Whether it’s a regular donation of $50 per month, donating your time as a volunteer, or hosting a charitable drive through your workplace–make sure you’re communicating that every gift counts for your organization.

Create a post-holiday marketing plan.

Your mission doesn’t take a break, and neither should your marketing efforts. While holiday gifts can often get you through the harsh winter months, creating–and executing–a plan to market to the new leads you gathered over the holiday season is a crucial part of growing your donor base. Plan now or they’ll forget about you after the party is over.

Find partners or sponsors.

To reach your goals–and a new donor base–partner with organizations that can help you share the word, match donations, host a drive, or sponsor a volunteer day. Not only will this increase your lead list, but it’s a great way to build up community-wide excitement and involvement for your cause.

Put your best supporters to work.

Reach out to your most loyal donors and ask them to set up their own drives or donation pages to encourage friends and family to give to your cause. Those who aren’t in a space to see or hear about you will be introduced to you through someone they know and trust, making giving easier and more personal.

Here’s to making this year the most generous yet!


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